This is the story of what I focused on during my last couple of months living in New York City. A story of how I
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Where did we last leave off? Oh, I had just made the decision to make the move from Minnesota to New York City at the
It was August of 2017 and I was attending a ballet summer intensive in New York City. It was a small program and the teacher
Why is media creation a critical component of media literacy? As we learned from NAMLE, Media literacy is “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act
A generalization and stereotype that I myself fall into is the dancer stereotype. I’ve seen this stereotype in the media, online, but also in the
Background During a time when there was major conflict in the world, Americans gathered together around Project Apollo. Leading up to the actual launch of
Everything they don’t tell you – So, you live in the 21st century where searching the web, scrolling through apps, and talking to Siri are
Tuesday, May 31st 5:45am: I woke up early because I had an early shift at work. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Instagram. I
With information steadily increasing, those who hold the reins behind when, where, and what information comes from are holding all the power. What is Net
7:00am: My phone begins to buzz, as my alarm goes off. I normally snooze it a couple times before I pick up my phone and